Week 1: Assignment 1: That darn quiz!
I scored 20/24. I'm embarrassed I didn't remember Where the Red Fern Grows, and I recognized Eragon, but couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called. Boo.
Week 1: Assignment 2: Matching book covers
I got 9/12. Clearly, I need to brush up on the different SciFi genres! That was tough!
Week 1: Assignment 3: Golden Rules of Readers' Advisory
All great things to keep in mind! I'm glad that I write for Between the Covers because I get to really think about the appeal factors for the books that I read for the blog, but this was a bit of a wake-up call to branch out. I don't want to only know about contemporary literary fiction because that isn't what is most popular at my branch.
Week 1: Assignment 4: Choosing Recommended Links for Genre and Books
Books: It would be oh-so-easy for me to choose Goodreads for this one, as it's on my phone and I use it more than any other app on my phone, but seeing as how we're supposed to branch out, I'm choosing EarlyWord. It sucked me in with an interview with Naomi Jackson. It will be a great resource for scoping out new titles for BTC blog, too.
Genre: Easy. StreetFiction.org. We have a permanent Urban Fiction "display" at our branch, and besides James Patterson (who seems to be the top-circing author at every branch), our Urban Fiction gets the most circs here. I liked that it broke down the different subgenres of Street Fiction and has upcoming titles.
Week 1: Assignment 5: Just for Fun!
Wow! She was scarily accurate about Gatsby, huh?